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August 3, 2015
August 10, 2015
August 17, 2015
August 21, 2015
  August 3, 2015

door and lab door

Our room number is 207.  Our room is the first classroom in the blue section facing the road. It is next to the computer lab.
window wall

I covered this bulletin board with green  paper for the summer.  I am going to put a camping picture on this bulletin board. Do you see the Peanuts curtains?  They help keep out some of the glare from the sunlight on sunny days. We only have blinds on the bottom section of windows. I am thinking of making curtains for the top windows with a light blocking lining. 
Our classroom library is below this bulletin board. The white center baskets are not suppose to be in the library.

This is my desk.  My computer is under the gray cover.  My desk will soon have lots of things on it. The white tubs behind my desk contain math manipulatives that we will use in math class.

These are our 27 cubbies.  Each of you will be assigned a cubby to keep your coats, bookbags and lunches.  Above the cubbies we will have reading vocabulary words, spelling words,  science vocabulary words, learning goals,  classroom goals,  and posters posted. Right now they are turned around to help prevent fading during the summer. They are covering shelves where I store books and other materials for our classroom.
The blue Snoopy curtain on the desks will be hung on the window by our door.

close up of cubbies
Do you see our stuffed creatures on top of the cubbies? We have lots and lots of stuffed creatures. The reason the animals go from tall to small is because we have a sloping ceiling and we must allow 24 inches of clear space between our ceiling and any object on top of our cubbies for the sprinkler system to work correctly  in case of a fire.
I used the cubbies to store things over the summer while our room was being cleaned. I also put things in the tubs and boxes on the table.  Our room is now
super clean. We will need to work very hard at keeping it looking so nice and shiny. I will be taking out everything out of the tubs, boxes, and cubbies so you will be able to use them.  I have a lot of work to do.

The furniture in our room is a little out of place. The white center baskets will go right next to the computers. They are now in the library. All of the materials on the back table need to be put away or unpacked. The back bulletin board is split into two small bulletin boards. We have four student computers in our room. Also right now we only have 25 desks.  We may need to squeeze in a couple more desks. We will probably group our desks so we have a little more room to move around.

This is the front of our room.  Under the green paper are our Peanuts number and color posters, the alphabet, and Peanuts "Welcome" sign.  I have lots of Peanuts things. The drawers by the door hold our math, reading, and science materials.  Under the white boards are bookcases of teaching materials we will use at the reading table.  Right now they are covered with a sheet. My husband made these bookcases for me.  They are a wonderful addition to our room.
The Snoopy flag on the desk will be hung on our door.



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Updated 08/2/15
Copyright © 2011 Mrs. Gray's Classroom 
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