Each child wrote a three paragraph story about Super Grape. In the first paragraph they were to tell how he had become Super Grape. In the second paragraph they were to describe what he did as Super Grape. The third paragraph was to conclude the story. The children also created an illustration for their story. |
![]() By 1 One cloudy
day a bunch of grapes were hanging off of a vine.
That night that bunch of grapes got struck by
lightning. That is how Super Grape was made.
There was a group of army guys. The army guys were in trouble. Then Super Grape threw grape juice at the bad guys. Super Grape retired and got married. Then he had babies. Then there lots of little Super Grapes. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 2 Super Grape
became Super Grape because of a potion. The
scientist poured the potion on a grape. He then
became a Super Hero.
Super Grape saved a kid from a dog. Super Grape saved a cat from a tree. He was a hero. Super Grape retired from working as a Super Hero. He was just a normal grape after he retired. He liked that. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 3 One day someone who worked in a
power plant had grapes for lunch. He put his grapes
on the floor. Some chemicals dripped on the grapes
and turned them into Super Grape.
Then one day there was a fire and Super Grape saved the people. He shot out grape juice to put out the fire. He covered the smoke with real grapes. But then one day he turned back into a regular grape. Everyone wondered where he was. Then they made a robot Super Grape, but it did not turn out well. They still loved it though. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 4 Once upon a time there was a patch of
grapes. Then the grapes were dropped into toxic ooze.
Next the grapes got super powers and turned into Super
One day Super Grape was just flying along until he heard that a meteor was going to strike the earth. So he flew to space and zapped the meteor! He saved the world! Super Grape kept fighting his nemesis. Super Grape thought he couldn’t do it. But he did win and he wrapped up all the villains. He had saved the world from evil. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 5 One day there was
a bunch of grapes. Suddenly the bunch of grapes fell
into radioactive water. Then the grapes mutated into
Super Grape.
Then one day there was a fire. There was a family trapped inside the building. Super Grape saved them before it blew up. Super Grape put the family down on the ground. Super Grape flew away to do another rescue. When Super Grape got back from that rescue he was suddenly grabbed by someone. That someone ate him! |
![]() “Super Grapes” By 6 There were some
grapes on a table and under the table was toxic ooze.
The grapes fell and rolled in it. They turned into
Super Grape.
One day there was someone drowning and Super Grape swooped in and saved the kid. There was someone in a building and Super Grape went into the house and saved the people. An airplane was crashing and Super Grape stopped the plane from crashing. Super Grape retired from being Super Hero. Someone turned him back into a bunch of grapes. He didn’t come back. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 7 One day a Super
Hero saw a grape vine and got hungry. So he took a
grape and bit it. The grape turned into a Super Grape.
The next day Super Grape was looking for danger to save someone. Then he heard somebody crying for help. He rushed to save the day. Super Grape kept looking for danger to save someone. Then another Super Hero came by and took a bite out of Super Grape. Suddenly Super Grape was no longer a Super Grape anymore. He lived happily ever after. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 8 One day a magician
made some grapes come alive. The grapes became Super
Grape! Super Grape was awesome!
There was a building going to fall down. Super Grape saved people from the building. Super Grape saved a lot of people that day. The magician wanted to give Super Grape a medal. Super Grape was in a parade. Then the magician turned him back into a grape. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 9 There once was a
mad scientist that made Super Grape. The scientist put
a potion on him. He became Super Grape.
One day there was a school that was on fire. Super Grape grabbed all the people. Super Grape saved the people. He did good things. I like he is a Super Hero. He has super powers. He retired. He looked for an easier job. He got a new job. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 10
Someone pushed some grapes into
chemicals. The chemicals brought the grape to life.
That was the day a crazy scientist made Super Grape.One day when someone was drowning and Super Grape saved the day. Someone fell off a tree and Super Grape saved the day again. There was a robbery at Town Square and Super Grape saved the day once more. Super Grape retired from being a Super Hero. Then Superman ate Super Grape. Super Grape was gone. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 11 One day mutigens
got on some gum that got on some grapes. It made the
grapes into Super Grape. The mutigens had toxic
chemicals. These toxic chemicals make mutants.
Super Grape can save people from drowning. He can save people from a fire. He can save the world from an asteroid going to hit it. After a while he retired from his job. Someone tried to eat him. Then he got stepped on. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 12 One day some
scientists spilled chemicals on some grapes. The
grapes came alive. Then the grapes turned into Super
Super Grape saves people. He helps people. He is always saving people in trouble. He flies and saves planes. He can jump super high. He runs really fast. After many years Super Grape retired. He got a dog. He just walks around with his dog. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 13 There once was a
strange machine in a grape field. A bunch of grapes
fell in. It turned into Super Grape.
One day there was a bomb. Super Grape looked at a building. There was the bomb. Super Grape stopped the bomb and saved the people. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 14 Once there was a
scientist who thought about making a Super Grape. The
scientist made some toxic waste to make the grape a
Super Grape. Then the scientist put some toxic
waste on the grape. The next day the scientist did not
see the grape. He thought, “Did my potion work?” His
face had a frown. He saw the grape walking on the
floor. “My potion did work!” he said. So he planned a
party. They had fun at the party. They named the grape
Super Grape.
Super Grape saved the world. One time this girl was on a float. But the girl was about to fall. But Super grape saved After the party they had a parade and a celebration. Then Super Grape saved her before she could even fall. So that’s how Super Grape became a hero. After Super Grape saved the girl, Super Girl brought the girl to her Mom. Then the mom took her home. The people had a parade for Super Grape. It was a celebration for saving the little girl. So after the celebration everyone went home. But the next day Super Grape lost his powers. “The scientist must have done this,” Super Grape said. But the next day he got his powers back! Super Grape was so happy! |
![]() "Super Grape" by 15 One day there was a
strike of lightning that hit a grape vine. The grapes
on the vine got super powers. The grapes became Super
Then one day there was a sinking ship. Then Super Grape saved the people. Super Grape saved the day. Finally Super Grape retired. He was tired of saving the world. He started working in parades and having fun. |
![]() "Super Grape" by 16 I think Super Grape
became Super Grape because of a chemical explosion. He
was planted where they were doing chemical testing.
When the chemical exploded he turned into Super Grape!
One day the bank was on fire! Super Grape flew to the rescue. Super Grape saved the day again and again. Super Grape built a barn and planted more grapes. Then he retired. He then turned the other grapes into Super Grapes to save the day. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 17 Super Grape became
super Grape because of a costume. He bought it at the
Super Grape is driving a car. Super Grape drove the car to town. He saw a purple cow eating grass. Super Grape ate a burglar. Super Grape went to the Grape Jamboree. He threw out candy to the people. He had a great time. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 18 Once there were
some grapes growing. A mad scientist put chemicals on
them. The chemicals made the grapes change. A
scientist put more chemicals on the grapes. Now the
grapes were Super Grape.
Super Grape was going to sleep and he heard a noise. Someone was in trouble. Someone was falling out of a roller coaster. Super Grape saved the falling people. Super Grape retired from his job and went to Mexico. He met a lady. He liked her so much. They fell in love. They had kids. They had 78 kids. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 19 Super Grape
became Super Grape because of a mad scientist. He
poured a potion on Super Grapes. He was so mad
because Super Grape turned into a hero.
Super Grapes saved the Titantic. The Titantic was sinking fast. Super Grape picked it up and saved the people, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya,ya. Super Grape got a medal for saving the Titantic. He was famous. Super Grape liked being a hero. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 20 One day there
was a grape show in town. A bunch of grapes were
just on the floor and then it started to rain and
thunder. The lightning struck the grapes and there
was a can of acid. The rain knocked over the acid
and the grapes became Super Grape.
Super Grape looked for someone to help. He saw a ship sinking. He saved everyone. Then he saw a building on fire. He took a grape and squirted the grape and the fire was gone and everyone was saved. He looked for more trouble and there it was. Someone was robbing the bank. So he captured the guy and locked him up. He kept looking for trouble. Someone was robbing the president so Super Grape got the guy. The president gave Super Grape a medal. The president locked up the robber. Super Grape was famous. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 21 One night a
flash of lightning hit a grape vine. The grapes fell
into a puddle of chemicals and something happened.
The grapes started to glow and get bigger. Then a
grape popped out and flew away.
The grape flew to another farm and saved it from danger. The farmer thanked the grape. The grape flew back to home. The grape was Super Grape. After a long time Super Grape started to rot. A couple of days later he fell apart. After a couple of more days he was gone. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 22 One day a mad
scientist made a Super Grape. He used special
chemicals. He was excited about his creation.
Then one day Super Grape was walking around a fair. Then he heard a scream. Someone was falling out of a roller coaster. The Super Grape flew up and saved her. Soon it was late so he went to bed. And tomorrow he saved even more people. It is a new day and Super Grape decided to make an army of Super Grapes. But how? Maybe he could use the same chemicals that made him. So he tries it and it works! Now there is an army of Super Grapes. A lot of people got saved. |
![]() “Super Grape” By 23 One day a bunch
of grapes fell into a bucket of toxic waste. They
started to shine and get big. All of a sudden the
grapes turned into Super Grape.
Super Grape stopped a robber from robbing a bank. He saved a family from a sinking ship. He saved another family from drowning. One day another Super Hero turned Super Grape back into a normal grape. Then the toxic waste went away. Finally everything was normal again. |
Send comments and suggestions to: comments@mrsgraysclassroom.org