QUESTION 1 | Butterflies and moths are insects. |
QUESTION 2 | Butterflies and moths go through four life stages - egg, tadpole, pupa, and adult. |
QUESTION 3 | Moths and butterflies go through four stages of development or a complete metamorphosis. |
QUESTION 4 | Butterflies and moths lay eggs. |
QUESTION 5 | A caterpillar is another name for the butterfly or moth larva. |
QUESTION 6 | The wings of the butterfly and the moth are wrinkled and folded when they emerge from the pupa stage. |
QUESTION 7 | All butterflies and moths are insect pests. |
QUESTION 8 | A butterfly and a moth caterpillar grows until its skin splits up the back and then the caterpillar re-emerges. |
QUESTION 9 | A butterfly forms a chrysalis and a moth makes a cocoon in the pupa stage. |
QUESTION 10 | A proboscis is a long, black straw-like tube that a butterfly uses to drink nectar. |
QUESTION 11 | A butterfly's wings are upright when it is resting. |
QUESTION 12 | Butterflies make a cocoon in the pupa stage. |
QUESTION 13 | Butterflies are active at night. |
QUESTION 14 | When the moth is ready to leave the cocoon, it produces a juice to soften the cocoon. |
QUESTION 15 | A moth has teeth. |
QUESTION 16 | The adult lunar moth does not eat or drink. |
QUESTION 17 | A moth's wings are upright when it is resting. |
QUESTION 18 | A moth has a proboscis to drink nectar. |
QUESTION 19 | Moths have feather-like antennae. |
QUESTION 20 | Moths are active at night. |
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