Jessica, Austinburg
Mike, Chewy, Susie,

Joe, Grandma
Julie, Lily

Phil, Aunt
Phyllis, Max,

Bob, Aunt Amy,

Great-Aunt Angie, Spike,
Pie, Joey,
Sunflower, Zoey

Aunt Paula, Uncle
Maggie, Bobby,

Austinburg Mike
is in charge of the
colony and the official
Austinburg Colony
weather predictor for
February 2nd. He is also
a high school teacher.
He is 36 years old. His
favorite food is lettuce
spaghetti sprinkled with
fresh bugs and his
favorite color is red.
He loves his jobs,
family, helping others,
dancing, and playing
sports. He is a very
busy groundhog.

Joe is a retired
weather predictor.
Grandpa is 70 years old.
He loves to grow
vegetables in his
garden. He grows
the biggest carrots and
tomatoes in the colony.
Every morning he reads
the newspaper and takes
an hour nap. Grandpa
Joe's favorite color is
tan. Grandpa Joe likes
to eat lemon slices
sprinkled with fresh
grass clippings.

Phil is a very famous
weather predictor. Every
year on February 2nd
there is a festival in
his honor. After
February 2nd he likes to
join the Austinburg
Colony to rest for a few
months. When he is not
predicting the weather,
he is a plumber. He is
35 years old. His
favorite color is
black. He loves to
eat green, yellow, and
red peppers.

Jessie is a 35 year
old marmot. She is
a doctor. She helps
other groundhogs that
have injured or sore
paws. She works during
the day. In the evening
she likes to take care
of the children and
keeps the burrow clean.
She also likes to
sew and build things.
Her favorite food is a
fresh salad of
mushrooms. broccoli, and
carrots covered with
chocolate sprinkles.
Her favorite color is

Julie is 50 years
old. She
is a retired police
officer. She likes
to sew, cook, and watch
TV. She especially likes
to watch cooking shows
on TV. Grandma Mary's
favorite color is
yellow. She sews the
clothes for the colony.
Her favorite food
is hot apple pie with
spinach ice cream on
top. She is famous for
her great pies. She has
won lots of blue ribbons
for her pies and

Phyllis is 30. She
owns a hair salon.
She is a very busy
taking care of her
family and cutting
hair. She loves to
come to Austinburg for
some peaceful,
quiet time after
Groundhog's Day.
Her favorite color is
red. She loves to
eat asparagus. She is a
champion swimmer and has
won many ribbons and

is 16 years old. He is
in 11th grade. He just
got his driver's
license. He drives
a shiny blue car. His
favorite color is blue.
He plays soccer and
basketball in high
school. He likes video
games and watching TV.
He loves to eat fruit -
especially watermelon,
oranges, and apples.

lives with her Grandpa
Joe and Grandma Julie.
She is a 10 year old
hedgehog. She loves to
sing and dance. She can
roll up in a tight
ball. She also
likes playing baseball
and playing board games.
She is a cheerleader.
Her favorite food is
strawberries dipped in
green bean sauce. Pink
is her favorite color
and she loves her pink
winter scarf.

and Pax are 7 year old
twins. Max is a
great football player.
He loves to eat radish
hamburgers at
Restaurant. He has lots
of friends at school and
likes to play outside
after he finishes his
homework. He wants
to be a professional
football player when he
grows up. His favorite
color is gold.

and Sophie are twins.
They are nine years old.
Susie loves volley ball,
baseball, soccer, and
all sports. Her
favorite color is
purple. She
loves to eat fresh
sunflower pizza. She
is also a cheerleader
for her big brother's
basketball team. She
helps mom with the
cooking. Her sister
likes to tease her about
her cooking.
Nick is 50. He was
born in England. In
England he was the
weather predictor
for the Queen. When
he retired he moved
to Austinburg to be
with his
brother, Joe.
He likes playing
football and
fishing. His
favorite color is
red. His
favorite food is
Aunt Jessica's
famous grub
tacos with hot red
pepper sauce. He
also likes a
cup of blueberry tea
before he goes to

is in 1st grade. Pax is
a champion jumper. He
also likes to play
baseball and run.
His favorite colors are
red and orange.
His favorite food
is a foot-long pickle/cucumber
hotdog. He almost won
the pickle/cucumber
hotdog eating contest at
the colony fair last
year. He wants to be a
weather predictor like
his dad when he grows
up. He also likes
watching Sponge Bob
Square Pants cartoons.

loves to eat orange
things - carrots,
oranges, and ladybugs.
Her great favorite color
is orange. She likes to
dance ballet and play
tennis. She also likes
to help her mom clean
the house. Sophie
is a super speller. She
won the third grade
spelling contest last
year. She likes to play
jokes and tease her twin
sister. She can be very

Angie's favorite color
is blue. She is 35 years
old. Great-Aunt Jessica
is a nurse for young
animals and baby
animals. She likes
growing flowers and
exercising. She is also
great at painting
and making things.
She designed and made
her outfit. Some of her
paintings are very
famous and one is
hanging in the Groundhog
Art Museum. Her favorite
food is a large acorn
doughnut with with
strawberry frosting.

Aunt Paula's favorite
color is green.
She is an art teacher
and an illustrator for
children's books. She
likes to go bike riding
and hiking in the
woods. Her
favorite food is
homemade tomato and
green bean soup with
corn crackers. She is
famous for her beautiful
decorated carrot cakes.
She collects coupons to
save on her grocery
bill. She also likes to
have water fights with
her children. She is 26
years old.

is the baby in the
family. He is six months
old. He loves to drink
milk and apple juice in
his bottle. His favorite
color is green. He loves
to smile and show his
new front teeth. His
favorite toy is his
penguin rattle.
Spike is a 17
year old badger. He is
very tall for his age.
He is a basketball
player on the high
school basketball team.
He is a fantastic
player! Spike
also loves to play
video games and drive
his new car. He has a
bright orange car that
he washes and shines
every day. His favorite
color is orange. His
favorite food is ladybug
spinach noodle soup.

Paul is a pitcher
for the GBL (Groundhog
Baseball League) . He
likes to play baseball,
basketball, and ride
bikes. He is also likes
to play games with his
children. On
Saturdays he cuts down
trees for his friends.
He is 32 years old. His
favorite food is freshly
baked, hot oat bread
sprinkled with dried
toasted crickets.
His favorite color is

Bob delivers packages
for UPS. He loves his
job. He is 34. He also
coaches football
on the weekends for his
son's football
team. He
loves to play football
and watch GFL (Groundhog
Football League) games
on TV. He also likes to
ride dirt bikes. His
favorite color is dark
blue. His favorite food
is strawberry
pasta with spinach

Cutie Pie is only 3
months old. She is
a super cute
hedgehog. She
loves the color
purple. Her
favorite foods are
applesauce and milk. She
loves to crawl and roll
in the grass. She spends
a lot of time sleeping
and watching
butterflies. Sometimes
she catches a butterfly
and eats it.

is a triplet. She is 6
years old. Her favorite
color is pink. She loves
to play outside. She
goes to digging lessons
once a week and wants to
be a professional digger
when she grows up. Her
favorite dress is
pink with lots of
sparkles all over it.
She loves playing dolls
with her sister Sally.
Her favorite food
is pineapple cookies
with eggplant frosting,
but she is allergic to

Amy is a
veterinarian. She
likes to work with pets.
She is 29. She also
likes growing flowers
and swimming. Some
of her flowers have won
ribbons at the colony
fair. Her favorite
food is carrot lasagna
that she makes using her
secret recipe. Her
favorite color is hot
pink. She also
likes to go shopping.

is the twin brother of
Zoey. Joey and Joey
are 5 years old.
Andy likes soccer and
digging. He also likes
to watch TV and he is
learning how to read on
Starfall on his
computer. His favorite
color is green. His
favorite food is mashed
carrots with black grub

is in first grade. He
likes playing baseball
with his dad. He also
loves football video
games and math. He also
likes to watch baseball
and football games on
the TV. Bright orange is
his favorite
color. His
favorite food is brussel
sprout brownies right
out of the oven with
grasshopper sprinkles.
He wants to be a famous
baseball player like his
dad when he grows up.

Josh is 7 years
old and in first grade.
He plays on the first
grade baseball team and
also on the basketball
team. He also likes to
read and color pictures.
He does not like scary
movies. His favorite
color is sky blue. Josh
loves crunchy wheat
fries dipped in tomato
sauce from McGroundhog's
is a 12 year old
badger. His favorite
color is gold. He
likes to play baseball
and football. His
baseball team won the
championship last year
and he has a gold
trophy in his room. He
also likes to listen
to music and sing. He
wants to be a weather
forecaster in Germany
when he grows up. His
favorite food is
clover pizza topped
with worms and grubs.

is a great T-ball
player. Some groundhogs
think she might be the
next colony champion.
She also likes video
games and coloring
pictures with bright
colors, especially
purple. Her favorite
color is purple. On
Saturdays she is a
cheerleader for her
brother's baseball team.
She gets to wear a
purple and gold cheer
leading outfit. Also
Molly likes to play
dolls with Maggie. Her
favorite foods are
grapes and eggplant
because she likes purple
things and they taste

is 8 years old and in
the second grade. He
likes basketball and
golf. He also likes
music and racing soapbox
cars. Jacob's
favorite color is green.
Jacob loves carrot
nuggets from

is in kindergarten.
Her twin brother
is in her class.
She likes to play games
with her friends during
recess. She goes to
gymnastics class once a
week. She also likes
digging holes and riding
her tricycle. She
loves to dress up
in pretty clothes.
Her favorite color is
white. She likes
to eat corn pudding with
rose petals.

favorite color is
purple. She is 9
years old and in 3rd
grade. She loves to play
all sports, especially
baseball, soft ball, and
golf. She loves to
eat bananas dipped in
chickpea sauce. She
likes to help mom keep
the burrow clean. Her
two brothers, Josh and
Jacob like to
play tricks on her.