Dear Parents, Our classroom houses a small society. Each student is a citizen who acts in accordance with expected goals of behavior. Our classroom has the following classroom goals: A. To keep our classroom/society a nice place to be, by: 1. Doing our best at all times. 2. Trying to follow directions. 3. Sharpening pencils before the tardy bell. 4. Keeping our desks and room neat and clean. 5. Lining up without talking or pushing. B. To keep the room quiet during work times, by: 1. Doing our work. 2. Not talking to our neighbors 3. Raising our hands for questions or help. 4. Remaining in our seats as much as possible. C. To respect the rights and feelings of others, by: 1. Trying to be kind at all times. 2. Not pushing or hitting. 3. Listening and following directions of all teachers and adults. 4. Helping whenever we can. D. To be thoughtful of others, by: 1. Walking quietly in the halls. 2. Behaving in the restrooms. 3. Thanking people who help us. With this in mind, rewards are not given for expected behavior- just as a community does not give rewards for behaving properly. Also, irresponsible behavior is seen as an opportunity for growth, rather than for punishment. Discipline is a tool for teaching responsibility. The ultimate goal of discipline is self-discipline or self-control. Instead of thinking of discipline as punishment, discipline should be a positive way of helping and guiding children to achieve self-control. We will be working on the Raise Responsibility System which encourages children to exercise self-discipline through reflection and self-evaluation. Students learn to control their own behavior, rather than always relying on the teacher for control. We want our classroom to be an encouraging and great place to learn at all times. In this way, children develop positive attitudes and behavioral skills that are so necessary for successful lives. Listed below are a list of “Levels of Behavior.” Our classroom goal is for each student to be at Level C or Level D each day. Mrs. Gray
![]() Highest level of social development *Develops self-discipline *Shows kindness to others *Does good because it is the right thing to do The motivation to be responsible is INTERNAL. You decide to be responsible because it is the right thing to do - without being asked or told ![]() Appropriate and acceptable level of behavior *Listens *Practices *Cooperates The motivation to be responsible is EXTERNAL. A person of authority is present. ![]() Neither appropriate nor acceptable level *Bosses others *Bothers others * Breaks classroom goals Only obeys when confronted with greater authority. ![]() Lowest level of behavior *Noisy *Out of control *Unsafe No one is safe or happy! Click here to view photos of our large Snoopy Behavior Levels Chart. You may view or download our Snoopy Behavior Levels A- D Poster ![]() Dr. Marshall's Primary Poster of the Levels ![]() I also created a modification of this poster that you may download by clicking on this icon ![]() ![]() Tammy Singleton created another great set of posters of the behavior levels. Click on the thumbnail to view and download her posters in pdf format. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Click here for a list of picture books for the Behavior Levels in Word format orRich Text Format .These titles are from members of the RAISE RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM User Group (Mailring) at ![]() |
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