The Madagascar hissing
cockroach is no ordinary roach. It can grow to
up to 3 inches long and over an inch wide. This
type of cockroach is clean, odorless,
sanitary, docile and harmless. They do not
bite. The hissing cockroach is unique for the
sound it makes. The hissing noise can be heard
during mating rituals, aggression between
males or when an adult male, adult female or
nymph are handled or disturbed in some way.
Sometimes they will hiss for no apparent
reason. Research studies have shown that males
can tell each other apart by hissing. Females
are attracted to the tone and strength of a
male’s hiss. Unlike most other insects, the
hissing is created by forcing air through a
pair of breathing pores located in the
abdomen. Most other insects make sound by
rubbing body parts together, like crickets.
Females are ovoviparous, that is, they give
birth to live young. The female carries the
egg and neonate nymphs for approximately 60
days until they emerge as first instar nymphs.
One female can produce as many as 30-60
nymphs. This insect has an incomplete life
cycle: egg, nymphs and adult stage. The nymphs
undergo 6 molts before reaching maturity in 7
months. Hissing cockroaches enjoy a rather large
range of diet. They thrive on dog food, rat
chow, as well as fruits and vegetables. They
are also long-lived for insects. They can live
up to 5 years.
This is a male
cockroach. Males have little horns
on their heads. A female has a smooth head
is about 20 cockroaches of various
sizes in a plastic small animal
cage. The fine netting under the lid
is to prevent babies from
escaping. The water bowl
contains a sponge to prevent the
babies from drowning in the water.
These cockroaches are feed goldfish
flakes. Their bedding is
oatmeal which they can also
eat. They like to climb on
twigs and hide under pieces of
cardboard egg cartons. When a cockroach first molts it is
completely white except for its
eyes. It soon darkens to its
regular color. This is a
cockroach molting
This is the Exoskeleton left after the
cockroach above finished molting.
This is four adult cockroaches in their
plastic cage. A favorite treat of
cockroaches is carrots and pieces of
oranges, rinds too.