Play Music

This is the front of
our school, Austinburg Elementary.

The two windows by the
"Do Not Enter" sign are our classroom
windows. Classrooms for first grade,
second grade and DD are in our wing. All
the rooms in this wing are blue and white.
You will come in this
door every morning and walk down the hall to
our classroom. Our classroom is the last
room on the right next to the computer
lab. It is room 207.

The two first grade
rooms are across the hall from us. The
computer lab is next to us. It is purple and
white and full of computers.
This is our classroom
door. We are in room 207. Seven is my
lucky number. My room number in the other
Austinburg Building was 7. I have seven
children too.

This is our cafeteria.
You will eat lunch in this room.
This is our
gym. We will have lots of fun in the gym.
This is our
playground. You will have recess before
lunch every day.