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spinning earth RECYCLING and EARTH DAYspinning earth

We are creating real or make-believe creatures from garbage, "left-overs", or "throw aways".  We are not allowed to buy anything  for this project.
recycle creature
“My Best Friend Maddie”
By 1
I’d like to tell you about my friend Maddie. She is like the perfect friend for me because I created her. I created her from the trash. She is made out of a tomato soup can, a pizza box,  two paper towel tubes, two buttons, and spoons. I added some old playdough and doll boots to make her pretty. My dad helped me by drilling two holes for me. She likes to do almost everything that I do. She like to cook and dance and race. Maddie eats whatever I eat and enjoys playing whatever game I’m playing. She is luck because she does not have to go to school every day. I created Maddie because on week-ends and in the summer I miss my friends. When I miss my friends, she will be there. She will always be my best friend when my people friends are not around.
recycle creature
“Bob and Lizzy”
By 2
Bob and Lizzy are a couple who go on nine adventures. Also they go to the coffee shop. They are a mix of a zombie and a dog. I created them because I thought it was fun. I created them with bottles, boxes, yogurt container, and bottle caps. I glued them to the boy and used napkins for their hair. It was a really fun project.
recycle creature
“The Duck Frog”
By 3
The duck frog is a cool animal because it is a mix. It is made from plastic and paper. It has a duck bill with a long tongue. It has flippers with hands and spots. It has popping eyes and duck flippers. It opens its duck frog bill. It will eat a lot of stuff. I made it so you see how it eats. This is a cool recycled animal.
recycle creature
“Spider Creature”
By 4
I have created a spider creature. I created it because you should always recycle. My creature can climb walls and jump high. It can also use its mind to move litter into the trash can.  I taped cans to cans and used string to keep the legs straight.

recycle creature
By 6
Manpire was a human and he got mutated. He is made with paper, markers, and a candle box. He is a vampire and human in one. He only comes out at night. He doesn’t eat in the winter. He lives in a cave. That is my essay about my Manpire.
recycle creature
“Mrs. Slither”
By 7
Mrs. Slither is a snake. Mrs. Slither catches flies. I made Mrs. Slither because I like snakes. I made Mrs. Slither out of toilet paper rolls. Mrs. Slither is colorful. Mrs. Slither likes to play. Mrs. Slither has a lot of friends. Mrs. Slither likes to swim Mrs. Slither is a water snake. Mrs. Slither likes to lay in the sun. Mrs. Slither is a cool snake.
recycle creature
“Alien #4937”
By 8
For this project I made an alien. I* made this alien because the bottle I used was alien shaped. His feet are made out of sour cream bowls. He can use his feet as jetpacks. His head is made from a fruit cup. He has six eyes so he can see better than people can see. Alien #4937 lives by himself on Pluto. I glued the alien with green tissue paper. I hope you like my alien creature.
recycle creature
“Rosey’s Life”
By 9
My creature is a horse. She eats soup. I got her from the trash. I like it and I made it. I made it out of a cheese Nips box, paper, and toilet paper rolls. My creature lets people ride it. So I rode it. Its name is Rosey. I like the name and its last name is my last name. But then I changed it to Ginger. I have a toy horse called Ginger and I love its names. I got it for Christmas from my family.  I now have four horses. I will get a doll to ride it. That is why I made my creature a horse. I made it so I could have fun with my other horses. I also brought my horse to school.
recycle creature
“The One-Eyed Monster”
By 10
Once upon a time there was a city named Whoseville. It was a day like a great day. But the monster came and crushed houses. Then we gave hi hugs and candy. Then he went away.
recycle creature
“Crayon Man”
By 11
Crayon Man brings color to the world. I created him because my room did not have any color. The world was black and white. Crayon Man brings happiness to everybody. Everybody was sad before Crayon Man colored everything. He colored birds all different colors. The birds were happy and started chirping. Everyone liked the sound. He is famous.
recycle creature
“The Great Dr. Pepper”
By 12
Dr. Pepper is my friend and he has special powers. He comes from a place called Pepper Island. He has many different magical powers. He uses pepper to fix robots. I built him on Thursday night. I used parts from a recycling bin to build him. Dr. Pepper is my best friend. He lives in my house with me. Dr. Pepper is a special doctor and I’m glad he is my friend.
recycle creature
“Fred the Robot”
By 13
Fred the Robot was made on April 11, 2016. He helps kids around the world clean their rooms. It eats up all of the garbage, put all the books away, puts all of your stuffed animals in order, puts your clothes away, makes your bed, and puts your toys away too. And it cleans the house and your room in minutes. And it makes coffee for your parents too. It is made of CDs, yogurt containers, cotton balls, cardboard, duct tape, K cups, toilet paper rolls, and love.
recycle creature
“The Zemulax Creature”
By 14
My special creature is Lola who loves to party on her planet Zemulax. Let me tell you what makes Lola special. Her skill is she makes out of this world popcorn. She is good at social studies and math. She likes to eat green foods such as broccoli and green beans. Her friends’ names are Zo-Zo, Beutie, and Lizzeis. She likes playing minor baseball and soccer. She also likes to read chapter books. Right now she is reading Be Careful What You Wish For. When it is rainy she likes to toss a ball back and forth with her brother Jonathan. If you ever have a dance party, don’t forget to invite Lola.
recycle creature
“Bubble Bubble Bubbles
By 15
I’ve created the first bubble flying dragon boat. Her name is Emma and she loves to blow bubbles. Emma has no legs but she can fly and land in water. The water helps her make the bubbles. Emma’s magic tail can change the color of the bubbles. She is great to have at your parties because you can use her back as a boat and who doesn’t love bubbles? She loves birthday parties the best because her favorite thing to eat is cake. I made him out of two paper towel rolls, one wrapping paper roll, foil, and left over tissue paper and bubble wrap from my birthday presents.
recycle creature
“My Creature”
By 16
My creature is blue, red, black, and orange. His hair is dark blue and curly. He has a white big nose. His body is red, black and green. His body and head are the same size. He has light brown eyes too. He has green air vents on his side. I think he is very cool. Do you?
recycle creature
“Zachery’s Shark fish”
By 17
I have made a shark fish pet. He is a creature that is small like a fish but has the teeth of a shark. They are able to swim in the water and also can walk on land. They eat small animals and fish like bunnies and goldfish. I created this creature because I think sharks are pretty cool. I think a shark that is small and can walk on land would be something very different. I made him out of a laundry detergent container, a butter container, and yogurt containers. He also has water bottle lids for his eyes. A shark fish would make a great pet because he has the coolness of a shark, but he is small and doesn’t eat people.
recycle creature
“Phone Home”
By 18
My creature is made like E.T. She is E.T’s granddaughter. She is an alien. Her name is Etsey. I made her out of recycled items around the house. She can fly. Her finger lights up. She says “Etsey phone home”. I made her because I like the movie E.T.
recycle creature
“The Unhappy Clam”
By 19
I made an unhappy clam. He is made out of bowls. I got them when I ate breakfast. He is made out of gum and play-dough. I made play-dough with my papa. Clam got stuff in his mouth. He was not suppose to.  He has a bunch of garbage in his mouth. He was not happy when it happened. I had fun making it with my papa.
recycle creature
“The Alien from Planet Mars”
By 20 and Disco
My name is Disco. I can fly a hoover craft at the speed of light. I like to moon walk on the moon. I have been created to party!I was made out of a disco ball, box, Slinky, and sparkles. I travel from planet to planet to party. My favorite thing to do is disco on the rings of Saturn. I have a question for you……. Do you like to party?
recycle creature
“The Monster”
By 21
It was a bright sunny summer day. I looked at my scarecrow drawing. He had hooks at the end of his hands. He looked like a ghost. He held our garden supplies. He held a bag full of a shovel, dirt, and a pot. He also held a time capsule. Then he jumped off the page and said hello.

recycle creature
“Earthy the Elephant”
By 22
I made Earthy to teach people about recycling. Earthy is made from corks, water bottle, milk jug, bottle caps, and paper. I stuck all of this together with a hot glue gun. I chose Earthy because I want to show people how easy it is to recycle. Earthy can teach children to reuse things and not to litter. The Earth is our home and we should take care of it.  Earth’s job is to make sure we recycle and not fill up our landfills with things we can reuse. Earthy likes recycling and I hope you do too!



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Updated 04/20/16
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