Play Music
Click on a block to go
directly to that letter.
AESA: Please
plan to join AESA. This group helps to
provide your child with many wonderful
learning experiences.
Attendance: Many 2nd
grade learning activities are group oriented
and involve interaction with classmates.
Therefore, it is next to impossible to
recreate these activities at home. Please
view school as a priority and see to it that
your child attends everyday except in cases
of illness or emergency.
When your child is absent, please send a
note explaining the reason for the absence
with your child on his/her first day back at
school. If your child is going to be out for
an extended period of time, please let me
know so that assignments may be prepared in
advance. When students are absent, they are
responsible for making up the work. Students
will have their “Make-Up” work on their desk
when they return. Students have the same
number of absent days to make up their
missing work. For example, if a student
misses 2 days of school, he/she would have 2
days after he/she returned to school to make
up the work.
Art: We will
have art class every other week.
Weekly Progress Folder: Your
child's work and tests papers will be sent
home weekly in a blue Weekly Progress
Folder. Each week you will receive a
progress report that will be sent home along
with graded papers from the previous week.
This report will let you know if your child
had a good week or is having difficulty in
academics or behavior. I will write a brief
note on your child's folder each week.
There will be a place on this folder for you
to sign your name which will indicate to me
that you have seen the papers. Your
comments are welcomed and please feel free
to respond on the folder. You may keep
the work papers and test papers.
Book Orders: Book orders will be
sent home monthly. This is often a
very inexpensive way for parents to get
great books for their child’s home library,
however, please do not feel like you have to
purchase any books. It is just an option for
you. For each book that is ordered we
receive bonus points which I use to buy
books and items for our classroom. Please
make checks payable to Scholastic.
Birthdays: We
celebrate birthdays at the end of the day.
We sing “Happy Birthday” and the birthday
child may pick a fun activity for the class.
If you want to send a treat for the class on
your child's birthday, please feel free to
do so. Please check our "Safe Treats" list
as we have children with food allergies.
Invitations to parties may only be sent to
school if all the girls and/or all the boys
are invited.
Communication is an essential ingredient
in our success together. Please use the
RED, Ready Every Day, Folder for daily
notes to me and/or office. You must send a
note if your child is to go home a
different way than his/her normal
Conferences will be
scheduled with all parents in November and
February. You may schedule a conference at
any time during the school year if you
have any concerns or questions. I may also
request to meet with you if I feel that
your child is having difficulty in a
subject area or with behavior.
If you ever have any concerns, questions,
ideas, etc., please feel free to write a
note or call (466-4831 Ext. 6207 ) or
e-mail (roberta.gray@neomin.org) .
Computers: We will
use our classroom computers to practice
skills; write stories, poems, and letters;
create class Power Point/Local Web Site
presentations; and work on research. We
will also work on several Internet
projects with other classes around the
world. We use the computer lab for whole
class computer practice.
Curriculum: Our
curriculum is based on the Ohio State
Standards, Benchmarks and Indicators for
second grade or our school's web site on
the Ohio Standards at
Establishing good classroom discipline is
essential to each child’s success,
confidence and well being. Every child
should feel that the classroom environment
is safe and secure, as well as, free from
all threats of physical and emotional
harm. It is important that each child
learn to develop self-discipline and good
work habits, resolve conflicts peacefully,
and think independently. In order for all
children in our class to learn, we have
rules, procedures and guidelines to
follow. Without this structure, the
behavior of some children may distract
others, prohibiting them from learning.
With your support of our classroom
discipline system, I will be better able
to teach and help your child reach his or
her potential.
We will be working on the Raise
Responsibility System which encourages
children to exercise self-discipline
through reflection and self-evaluation.
Students learn to control their own
behavior, rather than always relying on
the teacher for control.
Emergencies: Please
make sure we have the correct emergency
numbers and information on file for your
Lunch Boxes/Money, etc.: If your
child forgets lunch money, books,
homework, etc., please take the item to
the office and they will notify your child
to come pick it up in the office
Grading Scale: The
following grading scale is used in 2nd
grade: A=100-90, B=89-80, C=79-70, D=69-60,
All graded work will come home in the Blue
Weekly Progress Folders on Monday or the
first day of the school week. Parents need
to sign the Weekly Progress report
sheet each week.
Gym: We will
have regular gym class every week.
Homework: Your child
will have math homework. This homework
should take about 10-15 minutes. Your child
should also complete at least 75 minutes of
reading every week. Starting the
seventh of school the children will have a
weekly assignment which is due on Friday.
Internet: Your child
will use the Internet to conduct research
and practice skills this year. All Internet
searches will be guided by the teacher.
Journal Writing:
Your child will do a daily journal writing
throughout the school year.
Students in my classroom are encouraged and
expected to treat all members of our class
as well as others, with kindness and
respect. Hitting, fighting, name calling,
and making fun of others will not be
Lunch: Lunch is
from 11:35 – 12:05. Please put your child’s
lunch and/or milk money in an envelope and
write their name and the amount of money
Love of Learning:
This year will be filled with many lessons
and activities that will help your child to
truly enjoy learning and to carry that love
for learning with them as they grow.
Math: Our math
series is Everyday Math. Everyday Math is
based on introducing a topic to students and
then allowing them to build upon that
concept as they learn new ones. Topics are
never dropped but are instead increased in
complexity and practiced every day,
providing the time required for concepts to
become totally familiar.
Music: We
will have music every week.
Newsletters: I will
send home a classroom newsletter weekly in
the Blue Folder. This newsletter will keep
you informed about what is going on in the
room. It will contain information about what
skills we are working on, upcoming events,
and other general information.
You may also view the weekly newsletter on
our website: http://www.genevaschools.org/ClassroomNewsletter.aspx
Open House: Please
plan to attend this event to learn more
about our daily classroom activities!
Parties: We have a
Fall Party, Winter Party and a Valentine’s
Day Party. Forms will be sent home for
Quiet Times: During
tests and when others are speaking the
children are to be quiet. Children may
ask each other questions that relate to
their work during independent work times if
they use their super whisper voices.
Questions and Concerns:
If you have any questions please feel free
to write me a note or call me. If you
call me at school, please call before or
after school. The school phone number
is 466-4831 Ext. 6207. If you cannot
contact me during those hours, you may also
contact me at my school e-mail address, roberta.gray@neomin.org.
Reading: Reading
Instruction consists of Reading, Word Work,
Writing and Language. We will be using
the Houghton Mifflin, Reading Instruction
series plus various trade books. We
will use these materials to build
comprehension, vocabulary, and phonics
skills while developing fluency.
Recess: Your child
has 15 minutes of recess before lunch every
RED Folders: Your
child’s RED (Ready Every Day) Folder
is very important. Please check your child’s
Take Home Folder daily for any papers sent
home regarding homework, projects,
reminders, or any other pertinent
information. It should come home every
day and brought to school every morning.
Science: In science
we will discuss weather, our solar system,
heat, light, sound, force, moving objects,
water, plants, animals, and habitats. We
have pet gerbils in our
classroom. We will have various
creatures in our room this year.
Social Studies: Our
social studies text combines political
science, population problems, economics,
history, and geography with focus on
community life. We are also part of two
regular postcard exchange programs. We
will exchange postcards with other classes
in the United States. Donations of
postcards with pictures of our area or Ohio
and postage stamps for postcards would be
deeply appreciated for this project.
Supplies: Your child
will need three or more pencils (no
mechanical pencils please), an eraser,
crayons (no magic markers please), white
glue, glue stick, pencil box, folder for
papers (no trappers please), 12 inch
ruler, a spiral notebook, scissors,
and two boxes of tissues. As the year
progresses please check with your child to
see if he/she needs to replace any of these
Tardies: Students
should be at school by 8:45. Arriving
after this causes students to lose
instruction time.
Toys: Toys are not
allowed in the classroom. Children must keep
toys in their book bags or on my desk. This
also includes items that are not necessarily
toys but that distract the students’
attention from their work.
Each child is unique and has his/her own
special gifts and talents.
Visitors: According
to school policy, all visitors need to check
in the office and obtain a visitor's badge
whenever they are in our building during the
school day.
Website: Our
classroom website is updated weekly so check
it out! http://www.genevaschools.org/MrsGray.aspx
or http://www.mrsgraysclassroom.org
There is also a web site for Austinburg
Elementary at http://www.genevaschools.org/austinburgelementary_home.aspx
I am excited to work with you and your child
this year!
eXtra Practice Sheets:
Any extra worksheets are placed in our
extras basket. Children are allowed to
take these papers home for extra practice.
You: You are your
child’s first teacher and you play an
extremely important role in your child’s
Zooming through Many
Skills: 2nd grade is jam packed
with a lot of things to learn. I feel
confident that your children will be
successful in mastering these skills if we
work together, by keeping in touch and by
you reinforcing these skills at home.
Zzzzz’s: Please make
sure your child gets plenty of rest. It will
help them be alert and ready to learn each